Minutes of the LERA AGM 30 April 2014




1.  Welcome and introduction by the Chairman

Peter Skipp (Chairman) welcomed members to the meeting.  He extended a special welcome to Councillors Peter Morgan (Portfolio holder for Renewal and Recreation) and Michael Turner, Reverend Liz Davis, Tony Isbitt  (Chairman of the Community Advisory Panel), Sergeant Wayne Page and PCSO Peter Scott of the Met’s Neighbourbood Team (NT), and Bob Edwards (London Borough of Bromley (LBB) Street Environment Operations Manager). 

2.  Apologies for absence

Apologies had been received from:

                        Paul Bellinfantie          Councillor Ellie Harmer
Lynne Beskeen           Steve Mace
Tony Beskeen             Theresa McWhirter
Kath Goodwin Michelle Pike
Malcolm Goodwin

3.  Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 2 May 2013 

The minutes were approved.
4.  Matters arising
Liz Davis reported progress on the building of the new Community Hall.  Although an additional £70,000 still needs to be raised to complete the project, the work has now started.  The existing building has been demolished and the new foundations are currently being put in place.  The new building is currently scheduled for completion by the end of this year. Peter said that LERA would make a donation to the new Hall when it is completed.  A proposal will be put to members for approval at next year’s AGM.
Liz announced that the Community Fun Day this year will be held in King’s Meadow on Saturday 12 July. Donations towards the costs weren’t needed as sufficient funds had been secured. She encouraged members to support the event and invited LERA to have a stall.  Posters and flyers promoting the event were available at the meeting for members to distribute around the neighbourhood.  

5.  Officers’ reports 

Chairman’s report 

Peter outlined the Committee’s main activities and achievements during the past year.  These included representing LERA’s interests on the Ward’s Safer Neighbourhood Panel and the Bromley Road Safety Consultative Panel; maintaining good relations with our Councillors, LBB’s officials and our local police team; initiating improvements to street cleanliness, car parking and safety on the Estate; co-ordinating the Snow Friends scheme; and keeping LERA members informed through the website and Newsletter.  A recent success was initiating the process with LBB for controlled parking measures to be installed at the junction of Leamington Avenue and Oak Tree Gardens where cars that are parked on the corner are causing a serious safety hazard.

Peter invited speakers to say a few words on the following:

·      Street Cleaning

Sandro Gor said that he had initiated regular meetings held on site with representatives of LBB and its contractors, Kier, to discuss improvements to the service and opportunities for improved efficiency.  These meetings enabled hotspots for litter and fly tipping on the Estate to be identified and addressed.  This has included the extension of the regular litter picker service operating on Burnt Ash Parade to the stretch of New Street Hill between Burnt Ash Lane and Oak Tree Gardens which tends to be particularly vulnerable to dropped litter.

Bob Edwards explained that he was responsible for a number of LBB’s contracts covering street and graffiti cleaning, refuse and fly tipping clearance, and drainage. LBB has 6 officers managing the contracts across the Borough and the representative for our area, Tony O’Donnell, liaises with Sandro. Bromley has 3,500 roads that need to be maintained and the contractors have to keep to a tight schedule.  There are 42 recycling containers that are cleared at least daily. The Borough’s 35,000 drains are cleared twice a year – 27 of these that are most prone to flooding are checked monthly. There are 2 vans that drive around the Borough each day to check for graffiti that needs to be cleaned off – the target is for this to be done within 24 hours but is normally done on the day.

Residents are asked to report incidents requiring attention via the ‘Fix My Street’ link on LBB’s website.  This enables the incident to be routed directly within minutes to the contractors who are required to deal with it within 5 days.  It is important that a separate report is raised for each incident to ensure that the system works effectively.

Bob then answered questions from the audience on a range of issues.

·      Website and Newsletter

Clive Robson explained that the website had now been running for over 2 years.  The website address (http://leralink.blogspot.com) is printed on the front page of the Newsletter. Around 320 pages of news and other items of interest have been posted so far.  These include information about local events such as the Community Fun Day, alerts about scams, and links to other relevant websites.  The website also provides an important means for LERA members to communicate with the Committee and the wider membership.  Clive encouraged members to use this facility and to provide feedback and other comments as well as suggestions for news items.

The Newsletter continues to be popular with members and is now issued 3 times a year.

·      Safer Neighbour and policing

Tony Isbitt explained that the Community Advisory Panel (which has replaced the Safer Neighbourhood Panel) provides a link between the residents and the police and LBB with the aim of keeping the Ward a safe place to live and work.  The Panel works to co-ordinate the local Resident Associations and Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators in advising of problems and initiates action in getting these addressed.  Successes have included the raising of the kerb by Burnt Ash Parade to prevent vehicles being parked on the forecourt to the shops; the installation of lighting in the alleyway leading from the Parade to the car park, and the clearing of the drains behind the shops.  Tony said he was very keen that Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators and residents take an interest in the Panel and encouraged them to attend meetings. Residents can find out more about the Panel’s activities by clicking on its community Facebook page.

Sergeant Wayne Page explained that he was responsible for the Plaistow and Sundridge area which following the Met’s restructuring last October, formed part of a cluster with neighbouring wards.  He has 7 officers under his control, of whom one PC and one PCSO are permanently assigned to the Ward. The remaining 5 officers are ‘flexed’ to other areas as the need arises.  These arrangements are reciprocal with Plaistow and Sundridge and officers from other areas being brought in to help press down on the recent spate of crime in the Ward and this had resulted in a marked improvement.

Wayne then answered questions from the members about parking.
Peter said that after many years serving as a Committee member, including the role of Treasurer, Malcolm Goodwin had decided to step down from the Committee.  He thanked Malcolm for all his support to LERA and the work that he had undertaken on its behalf.  The meeting expressed their appreciation with a round of applause.

Peter announced that after serving 2 terms totalling six years, he was standing down as Chair.  He thanked the Committee members and Street Representatives for all the support they had given him over the past 6 years.

6.         Treasurer’s report

Diane Bex presented the accounts for 2013/14, copies of which had been distributed at the meeting.

LERA’s finances remained in a healthy state with income and expenditure being similar to 2012/13, enabling the accounts to break even.  The main income continued to be the membership subscriptions which had been held at £2.00.  In addition to the normal administrative expenses, the main item of expenditure had been the donation to the annual Community Day. The assets stood at £951 in the current account (including £72 to be banked) and £8,429 in the savings account.

The meeting approved the accounts.

Peter proposed that the membership subscription for 2014/15 should remain at £2.00. The meeting approved the proposal.

7.  Election of Officers

Chair - Iliya Ingram.  Proposed by Ruth Odiase and seconded by Saryu J Patel, and was elected.

Committee members

The following were re-elected:

Paul Bellinfantie (Oak Tree Gardens)
                                    John Crutchlow (Ridgeway Drive and Treewall Gardens)
Sandro Gor.(Lead on Street Cleaning issues)
                                    Margaret Hearn (Leamington Close and Milverton Place)
Pam Lucken (Leamington Avenue)
Clive Robeson (Website Manager and Newsletter
  Editor – and Ridgeway Drive)                                  
Peter Skipp (Community Advisory Panel representative)
Peter Smith (Briary Gardens).
All the above, with the exception of Sandro Gor and Peter Skipp, also serve as Street Representatives (roads are indicated in brackets).
Theresa McWhirter of Oak Tree Gardens is also invited to attend Committee meetings.

In addition, the following serve as Street Representatives:

                                    Betty Donoghue (Broadlands Road)
                                    Irene Lambell (Ridgeway Drive)
                                    Michelle Pike (Upper Portland Road)
                                    Jackie Taylor (Ridgeway Drive)
Laurel and Roy Wretham (New Street Hill).

Following these proceedings, Peter Smith thanked Peter Skipp for all his leadership and hard work on behalf of LERA during his 2 terms as Chair.  The meeting expressed their appreciation with a hearty round of applause.                                               

8.  Appointment of Auditor

The meeting approved the re-appointment of Steve Mace as Honorary Auditor.  The meeting expressed their appreciation for his continued support to LERA by a round of applause.

9.     Open Forum

Peter Morgan addressed the meeting about LBB’s plans for the re-development of the Town centre.  He explained that the Borough was having to live within very tight budgets, with cuts of £35 million over the past 4 years and further cuts next year.  Bromley has suffered in recent years as a result of competition from Bluewater and the new shopping centre development in Croydon.  Other retail centres such as Westfield at Stratford also present a threat. 

There are 3 main aspects to regenerating the Town centre:

  • Development of Bromley South involving a £90 million investment to build a cinema, hotel, flats and car parking which is due to be completed in 2015;
  • Churchill Gardens with the addition of new shopping mall to attract more up-market traders; and
  • ‘Public Realm’ improvements to Bromley North Village and East Street.  The investment is justified by the economic and community benefits of a more pleasant working and living environment.  Traders are also being organised into Business Investment groups where they pay additional business rates to fund local improvements. 

Peter then answered a range of questions from the members about the retail and traffic facilities, and the potential extension to Bromley of the Docklands Light Railway which is still under consideration due to the difficulties of funding the £800 million costs.

10. Any other business

There was no other business.
Peter Skipp closed the meeting by thanking the speakers and the members for their attendance.

The meeting formally closed at 9 10 pm.

Following the meeting, LERA members and the guests mingled informally and enjoyed refreshments. 

Around 50 members and guests attended.

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